1.5 Definitions

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1.5 Definitions





Center of gravity


Vertical center of gravity


Longitudinal center of gravity


Transversal center of gravity

Lower / VCG_min

The lowest vertical point of the weight item

Upper / VCG_max

The uppermost vertical point of the weight item

Aft / LCG_min

The longitudinal aft point (starting point) of the weight item

Fore / LCG_max

The longitudinal fore point (endpoint) of the weight item

PS / TCG_min

The minimum transverse point of the weight item

SB / TCG_max

The maximum transverse point of the weight item


Work Breakdown Structure

Weight item

A steel part, a machinery part or an equipment unit that has a specific weight or mass.

Weight group

A weight group in the breakdown structure that can contain weight items

Breakdown structure

The system describing the project by breaking it into several weight groups, ordered hierarchically. (See Chapter The Breakdown Structure Systems)

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