<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: 5. Administration and Customization > 5.9 Parameters > 5.9.3 Parameters window |
Administration and Customization > Parameters
The parameters defined in the Parameter Definition window can be assigned a project specific value, and std. dev. in the Parameters window.
To open the Parameters window, choose Parameters… or Main Paramters... on the View menu from the Main window menu bar. You can also click the Parameters... heading of the parameters section in the middle of the right hand side of the main window of the application.
The Parameters window is scalable so you can change the size of the window. You can either use the maximize or restore down button in the upper right corner or by click and drag. You can click and drag the window at any of the window borders until it's at the desired size, the only limitation is that the window will be larger than the defined minimum size of the window.
On the top of the window you have 2 views, one view called Parameters containing all parameters and one view called Main Parameters containing a predefined set of main parameters. If you create you own custom parameter view it will be shown next to the Main Parameter view.
For each view you will find the parameters in their respective groups. The parameters that are defined will contain a value, the parameters that are not defined yet will be empty. If the defined parameter has a std. dev. you can enter this in the std. dev. cell.
You can sort the content in each group ascending or descending by clicking the Parameter header.
If you would like to find a parameter you can search for for it in the given view.
To search for a parameter right click and select search.
Then the Find Parameter window opens and you can write in the name for the parameter you look for.
The text you search for can appear in any part of the parameter name. E.g. if you search for "area" all parameters that has the "area" in the parameter name will be a match.
Special search criteria symbols, such as _ or % are not accepted in the Find Parameter window.
When you start typing the parameters matching the search criteria will be updated simultaneously.
To enter parameter values and std. dev. into the Parameters window, click on the corresponding cell and enter the value.
Some of the cells are marked with a symbol, this indicate if there is a special input that are not a number or a word.
A folder indicate that this is a link parameter,this parameter can store a file location. If ShipWeight is used on the network this location would ideally be a network location so that others that open the project have access to this file as well.
A fileindicate that this is a memo parameter, this parameter can hold RTF text. Write the text you would like to include in e.g. a report in word or any other RTF. format and past the text into the text box.
A tree structure indicate that it is a composite parameter defined by a calculation based on other parameters. Click the cell to open the parameters defining this parameter.
A drop down list indicate that this is a list parameter, and you need to select one of the options given.
A calculator indicate that you can write in the answer or you can use the calculator to calculate the value of the parameter.
A parameter without any unit is usually a text parameter. Then you need to enter in a text that correspond with the parameter.
A parameter with a given unit without any image take in a number.
A parameter without a given unit without any image take in a text string.
To delete a parameter value you can either go into the cell and remove the content or mark that parameter and right click and select the option Delete in the right click menu.
By clicking the Defined Only check-box or right click and select Defined Only you can filter on the defined parameters.
Some parameters have a descriptive image assigned in the Parameter Definition window. This image can be shown by clicking the check-box Show image.
You can print or export the parameters in a view by clicking the print button to open the Print Preview window or by right clicking and selecting the Print option in the right click menu.
To save the values entered or changed since you opened the Parameters window click the OK button, if you regret the changes you have done click the Cancel button or the x in the upper right corner. E.g. the values entered in the Parameter Window are not saved until you close the window by clicking OK.