5. Administration and Customization

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5. Administration and Customization

There are many different ways to customize ShipWeight. In the topics below it will be described how to administrate the most common customizations.


button5.1 The Options Window

button5.2 User Permission Setup

button5.3 The Project Settings Window

button5.4 The Project Statistics Window

button5.5 The Project Type Window

button5.6 The Item Setting Window

button5.7 Database Administration

button5.8 Changing the SQL Server in ShipWeight

button5.9 Parameters

button5.10 Define Weight Groups

button5.11 Create Sets of Estimation Methods

button5.12 Backup and Restore Projects in ShipWeight

button5.13 Exchanging ShipWeight Projects (Import/Export Complete Projects)

button5.14 Create Your Own WBS

button5.15 Set up a Secondary WBS in ShipWeight