2.10 Playground Area and Worksets

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2.10 Playground Area and Worksets

ShipWeight Basics

The new Playground Area in ShipWeight provides a sandbox environment where weight data can be changed, added, or deleted without affecting the weight data in the project.  Only when the data is transferred from the playground area and back into the project, are changes included in calculations and output. The Playground Area can be used in two modes; with and without Worksets.  Data in the Playground Area is a copy of the data in the main area.

The graphical user interface for the Playground Area is similar to the Items window.  To distinguish and clearly mark the Playground Area from the normal Items window, a color (by choice of the user) can be selected in the Options window.





The Playground Area may be opened from the Items menu in the main window by selecting List Playground Items… and then All, or by selecting the Playground Area button on the toolbar.




buttonUsing the Playground Area without Worksets

buttonUsing Worksets with the Playground Area

buttonChecking a Workset with Weight Items out to the Playground

buttonWorking with Checked Out Items in the Playground Area

buttonReviewing Worksets (Rejecting or Approving Worksets)

buttonRunning a Report of the Net Changes

buttonUser Permission Settings for Playground Area