5.2 User Permission Setup

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5.2 User Permission Setup

Administration and Customization

The Permissions window serves as a centralized hub for managing user-groups and user-accounts. Permissions are assigned to user-groups, and each user inherits permissions from the group they are assigned to. Any number of user-groups can be defined and permissions are set custom for each user-group. Any number of users can be assigned to a single user-group. By default there are one user-group, the sysadmin user-group. The default user Administrator belongs to this user group. The default password for the Administrator user is: admin. It is recommended to change the Administrator password to a unique password, when setting up the software for the first time. At least one user must be assigned as a sysadmin user. The users in the sysadmin group are the only users that are allowed to access the Permissions window.

Accessing the Permissions window:

Navigate to the Project menu.

Select "Permissions > Administration…" to open the Permissions window.


When the Permission window open it is divided  into three tabs: Users, Groups and Password Policy.



buttonThe Users Tab

buttonThe Groups Tab

buttonThe Password Policy Tab

buttonThe Create New User Window

buttonChange your Password in ShipWeight

buttonThe User Group Window

buttonPermission Settings per Custom Code

buttonDeploying Permissions to Other Projects