5.15 Set up a Secondary WBS in ShipWeight

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5.15 Set up a Secondary WBS in ShipWeight

Administration and Customization

From ShipWeight version 13 and on it is possible to define one or more secondary WBS in the main window.  This gives the opportunity to view and manage the weight items in the main window through one or more different WBS’ for the same project.

The secondary WBS’ are built up using the Custom Codes, but they are not restricted to one single project, they can be used across different projects.  When exporting to the historical database, the group values of the WBS will be exported and this will make it possible to do parametric estimations on future projects using the secondary WBS’.

The following section will show and example of how to build up a secondary WBS.


buttonDefine the WBS Codes and set up SystemCodeVariables

buttonDefine the Secondary WBS Structure

buttonGiving a Name to the New WBS

buttonActivating the New WBS