2.9 The Item Window: Entering Weight Information

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2.9 The Item Window: Entering Weight Information

ShipWeight Basics

The Item Window is used to add new and edit existing weight items.

The Item Window can be accessed in several ways. Make sure to navigate to the desired weight group. Then do one of the following:

On the toolbar in the main window, click the Item level button

From the Items menu, select List Items > All…

In the tree-view, click the Item level button .

In the lower grid table in the main window, click on Items




The information which is normally tagged to a weight item can be categorized as following:

Id and description
Quantities, weights, position and extension
Various codes and drawing references
Calculated fields

The Item Window contains four main parts: a toolbar (at the top), the single-record view (upper half), the table view (lower half) and totals (at the bottom).


The toolbar includes the following buttons:

Undo last action

Cut selection

Copy selection

Paste selection

Delete selected items

Re-query record set – refresh data

Filter – create a filter using the Filter window. Only items corresponding to the selection in the Filter window will be listed in the table-view.

Clear filter

Sort – items in the table-view will be sorted according to the rules given in the Sort window.

Clear sorting


Load setting… – Load a custom Item Window setting (layout).

Save setting – Save the current Item Window setting.

Save setting As… – Save the current window setting with a different name.

Dropdown list to select window layout. Same function as the Load settings… button.

Item Window settings… – opens the Item settings window.

Dropdown list to select item weight group.

Open the Select Item Weight Group window.

Dropdown list to select Local coordinate system.

Open the Local coordinates window.

Close Items window

The single-record view displays information of the selected weight-item. The single-record view is divided into groups. Each group contains different fields. This way similar information can be grouped and presented together. E.g. all information concerning weight and center of gravity is collected in the group Weight & CoG.

The table view shows all the items of the selected weight-group.

The totals field shows the sum of the item weights and centers of gravity. In addition, all calculated code fields are summarized.

Navigation – go to first, previous, next or last item.


buttonAdding Items

buttonDeleting Items

buttonCut, Copy and Paste



buttonRenumber Item Code

buttonChange Weight Group Code

buttonCode Enveloped Items

buttonSet Codes by Mapping

buttonSet Field Values

buttonSet SFI Codes

buttonSet CoG

buttonLocal Coordinates

buttonSplit Item

buttonCheck CoG

buttonAuto CoG

buttonCopy/Paste Log

buttonCell Formula in Item Window

buttonFrame Conversion (entering frame numbers in Items Window)

buttonMarking Changed Values in Item Window

buttonEasier Formatting of Values in the Code Definition Window

buttonDescription and Indentation of Custom Codes in drop lists

button“Quick Dump” to Excel from Items Window

buttonColor Coding for Code Groups

buttonMerge Item Function

buttonExecute Function in Items Window